Creating an Online Marketing Video That Will Go Viral
Literally billions of YouTube videos are viewed every single day. Viral videos are an online phenomenon that attracts thousands to millions of viewers. Can you imagine the amount of traffic that could be driven to your site if you were able to get your products, services, and brand in front of an audience of thousands? Here are some simple tips that will help you create a video that will spark an exciting buzz in the online community.
First, you must put a great deal of thought into the concept and content of your video. Viewers are going to notice, and probably tune out if the video feels as if you are just trying to throw together anything and push it out into the public domain. Take your time and decide what type of video you want to make. One popular strategy is to take a popular viral video, and pay homage to that video, while putting your own original spin on the content.
The other way to create a video is to come up with content that is new and fresh. When coming up with content for your video, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you want to have information in the video that is going to be valuable and relevant to your target audience. Then you want to present the information in a way that is going to be memorable and earn a positive impression. The video should have useful content, but it should also be entertaining and meaningful. Many of the most successful videos are humorous.
One of the greatest aspects of viral videos is that they can bring your business loads of publicity, without a lot of expense. You can make a video without professional equipment. It is possible to make a viral video using only the camera in your phone or computer as long as it is of decent quality and does not detract from the viewing experience or the ability to hear the audio. Treat input from a friend with a grain of salt; they probably don’t want to hurt your feelings if they truly think it’s mediocre or awful.
Next, you need to get the word out about the video and do not be afraid to ask people to share it. This can be done by posting the video to your blog, your social media sites, and distributing it through emails. The video should be short and easy for your viewers to share with one another. If you have put together thoughtful, entertaining, and valuable content, your viewers will be excited to forward the video to all of their friends and family, thus leading to a viral hit for you.
If you have detailed questions or if you require assistance with any aspect of your next viral hit, please don’t hesitate to contact us.